more Good Music Club videos

June 29th, 2012

Videos of “A Decline”, “Homecomin’ Hater”, “Tomorrow is Today Again”, and “Deny It” are now available at The Good Music Club.

The Good Music Club

June 4th, 2012

Go to KUT to check out a video of Frank Smith performing “Deny It” at The Good Music Club!

Rest of tour cancelled

May 29th, 2012

I (Aaron) fell backwards down a flight of stairs this Saturday night in Boston. I was  holding my amp all the way down and it ended up fracturing my thyroid cartilage in my neck. It is treatable but there will be no singing for a month and we will have to cancel the rest of the tour. It’s a total bummer… But the bright side is Boston was amazing, better than anyone hoped it would be (thanks friends) and also I’m not dead, that’s kinda cool too.

Austin to Boston 2012

May 7th, 2012

Check our Shows page for details!

Overload reviews “Before You Were Born”

March 24th, 2012

Read Overload’s review of Before You Were Born here.